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Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Peduli & Berbagi


Peduli Berbagi sdg gerakkan satu btk amal shadaqah dg tujuan utk mendampingi sodara Dhuafa agar bs mandiri dan berikutnya mjd insan yg cinta utk berbagi.

Salah satunya dg prog pendampingan 50 anak yatim mjd Social Entrepreneur, dg aktivitas awal utk fasilitasi mrk mjd Mobile Counter #PulsaAmanah. 50 anak yatim tsb akan difasilitasi investasi sosial berupa HP, rompi lapangan, dan deposit pulsa, shg mrk bs dg simple dan cepat menghasilkan pendapatan utk mrk sendiri.

Selain pulsa, mobile counter ini jg akan kita fasilitasi utk bs melayani pembayaran rek listrik, telpon, kredit, dll sec mobile di lingk masing2.

dukung program ini dg sumbang HP atau donasi sbg investasi sosial. Atau setidaknya meneruskan info ini kepada jaringan mu.

Base PEDULI BERBAGI jl. Golo 14 Umbulharjo Jogja; 0274378541;; @peduliberbagi; #SedekahProduktif;
Cp : joko mukti 08170414105

Rek BRI 3006.01.001426.50.1 an Jogja Trust Fund

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

simple sentences

simple sentences

[iframe 400 600]

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Basic sentences

Basic sentences
The employee and each job places
this test is just matching between the right and the left. In the right we have the employee and in the left is for the job

[iframe 400 600]

cross word

[iframe 400 600]

simple sentences

simple sentences

Basic sentence is a sentence which is conduct into several sentences. In this test each sentence has one or two words which are must be filled into the empty box order to be a good sentence.
Example : Any … a beautiful eyes.

[iframe 400 600]